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Lauren Grimoskas
Lakeview Reading Recovery
Lakeview Elementary
319-624-3401 x1202
Lexie Gutz
Lakeview Elementary
319-624-3401 x1228
Casey Hack
Activities Director
Solon High School
319-624-3401 x1104
Aaron Hadenfeldt
Language Arts 7
Solon Middle School
319-624-3401 x1418
Aaron Hadenfeldt
HS Boys Wrestling Coach
Solon High School
Tiffany Hale
SIS Secretary
Solon Intermediate School
Adam Haluska
Vice President, Board of Education
Elizabeth Hand
Instrumental Music 5-8
Solon Middle School
Kaitlynn Harkey
Lakeview Special Education
Lakeview Elementary
319-624-3401 x1260
Sue Harp
SHS Kitchen Manager
Solon High School
319-624-3401 x1119
Kaitlin Hatcher
SHS Science
Solon High School
319-624-3401 x1121
Natalie Heineman
Third Grade
Lakeview Elementary
319-624-3401 x1261
Bryan Heinsius
Buildings & Grounds Director
319-624-3401 x1344
Curtis Hendrickson
HS Girls Golf Coach
Solon High School
Curtis Hendrickson
Science 6
Solon Middle School
319-624-3401 x1430
Michael Herdliska
SMS Principal
Solon Middle School
319-624-3401 x1402
Keri Heun
SMS Custodian
Solon Middle School
Kelsey Hinrichs
Art 4-8
Solon Middle School
Christina Hlavacek
Lakeview/SIS Associate
Lakeview Elementary
319-624-2427 x1290
Stephanie Hoeper
Language Arts 7
Solon Middle School
319-624-3401 x1416