Return to Learn Plan additional information

Date:   June 30, 2020

To:      Parents, Staff, and Community

Re:       Return To learn Plan follow up

I received questions following yesterday’s communication and hope to address those with additional information.

The district, in preparation of returning to onsite learning on Monday, August 24th, has taken steps to increase the safety for students and staff through new operating procedures consistent with the Department of Public Health and Department of Education. This includes, but not limited to, an increased supply of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), which includes the purchase and availability of over 1,000 masks, face shields, disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer, and replacing water fountains and restroom fixtures with hands free fixtures. We've also worked with our transportation, nutrition and building and grounds directors to develop standard operating procedures and routines that will best protect students and staff. 

Our Return to Learn Plan includes scenarios for 1) onsite learning, 2) hybrid learning (a model that includes both onsite and at home, and 3) required online home learning.

We recognize the unique factors and circumstances in each home and are developing a plan to accommodate students and families.  On July 20th, when our plan is released, we will survey all parents.  If at that time our guidance from the Department of Education, Public Health and the Governor’s office still allows us to return to onsite learning, we will provide parents alternative options.  We will accommodate and support our students/families to the best of our capability.

A few examples of our prep for an August return to onsite learning:

·      Purchased a large supply of PPE for student and staff availability and continue to increase the supply

·      Developed new routines for transportation, student arrival, departure, classroom, lunch, hallways, etc.

·      Developed new standard operating procedures for cleaning and disinfecting, which includes frequency

·      Purchased over 350 new tech devices for onsite classroom and required home learning use

·      Worked collaboratively with the Grant Wood AEA Digital Learning team to advance our ability, capability and effectiveness with home online learning

·      Identified grade level learning targets missed during the closure last spring to incorporate into instruction this year

The information provided in this communication is limited. Our full, comprehensive plan will be released on July 20th and include a parent survey.  I always appreciate your direct feedback and questions and look forward to a highly successful 2020-21 school year.

Dr. Davis Eidahl
