Lakeview Feature Teacher

Lakeview Feature Teacher: Jan Johnson

Mrs. Jan Johnson is one of our fantastic and dedicated 2nd grade teachers. Mrs. Johnson is a very collaborative teacher, and she recently teamed up with building instructional coach, Miss Gerk, to look closer at the math block and utilizing New Perspectives landscapes. Over the past few weeks, they have collaborated on learning more about and utilizing the landscapes. Mrs. Johnson used student data to develop a landscape based checklist for her current math units. This allowed her to analyze students’ work and place it on the landscape, as well as to think about the other landscape big ideas or strategies that may appear in unit. Mrs. Johnson then worked with Miss Gerk to think through what forward progress on the landscape would look like for groups of students and planned experiences in their math block that would support student progress. Mrs. Johnson is trying out guided math groups within her math block to best teach into the goals identified. 

We admire so many things about Mrs. Johnson, especially her dedication to her own learning and growth to best support her students.
