fall 2020 teachers & classmates!

Dear Solon families,

Your child will be in Lakeview Elementary or Solon Intermediate School for the 2020-21 school year.  A long-standing tradition at Solon has been the end-of-the-year STEP UP DAY when students find out the teacher and classmates for their next school year.  Of course this year we want to continue that tradition but it will need to be in a virtual fashion!

On Wednesday, May 27 you will be receiving an email from your child’s teacher for fall 2020.  That teacher will be inviting your child to a virtual STEP UP DAY meeting. Some teachers will be using a Zoom meeting format.  Other teachers may use a Google Hangout format.  Please refer to the teacher email for connectivity.

The times for the meetings are different for each grade level.  If you have multiple students, they will not have a STEP UP at the same time.  However, if you have twins, they will need two devices!

Kindergarten and Preschool students will receive an email by Friday, June 5th indicating their 2020-21 class section and teacher. They will not be included in the May 28th STEP UP DAY.

Please contact your child’s school office or the principal if you have questions or concerns.

Phone:  (319) 624 – 3401    x1290 for Lakeview

                                                      x1500 for SIS 




Thank you!

Jodi Rickels, principal, Lakeview

Jessica Tabor, principal, SIS